Yes, you read that right! Print is alive and well and will continue to be an integral part of brand awareness in a comprehensive marketing campaign. Research shows people read more slowly if reading it on paper as opposed to online. Just holding the printed piece is a tactile exercise that helps the brain retain information. How we gather information has changed significantly since the introduction of digital information. That in no way negates the effectiveness of the printed message.
Why Print Matters
- It establishes trust. According to a Kantar poll of 8,000 consumers in the U.S., France, Brazil and the U.K., printed news magazines are the most trusted resource for news, followed by 24/7 TV news, radio bulletins and national newspapers. The print versions of national newspapers were more trusted than the newspapers’ websites. Although overused, it rings true that people buy from people they trust.
- It increases brand recognition. A study by the University of Iowa shows that tactile recognition is equal to sight recognition and greater than auditory retention. True Impact’s study found that it takes 21% more cognitive effort to process digital information suggesting that printed material is also easier to absorb. Print stimulates two powerful senses-sight and touch. Your client interacts with print-they pick it up, hold it, and look at it.
Your printed projects speak volumes about your business and brand. As your printing expert, guiding you through the printing process is a key component for a successful printing project. To ensure you leave lasting impressions, we'll help you from start to finish with selecting professional graphic treatment, paper and design options, and recommending production and distribution methods.
TaCaBu will help you deliver creative and professional results with custom or web-based print-on-demand projects and dynamic services including:
- Commercial Print
- Corporate Stationary
- Business Forms-Stock and Custom
- Integrated Forms
- Large Format/Signage
- Financial & Security Print
- Custom Packaging
- Point of Purchase Printing
- Green/Eco-friendly Printing
- Variable Data Printing
- Direct Mail
- Gift Cards
- Labels & Tags
- Creative Services
- Warehouse & Fulfillment
Here are some of the brands we serve. How can we help strengthen your brand?